Please Donate

Your donations support the daily costs of the Sharing Place including the purchase of food items. We have good relationships with several vendors at the Ontario Food Terminal, and are able to purchase fresh food at good prices. The most cost effective way to help us, is by donating money.

Ways to donate:


Please use this email address for your Interact e-transfers. This account is setup to automatically received funds, so there is no need for any security questions.

If this is your first donation by e-Transfer, please include your name, email address and mailing address in the message, so that we can issue you a tax receipt at the end of the year.


Mail a cheque payable to “The Sharing Place” to:

The Sharing Place
624 Annette Street
Toronto, Ontario
M6S 2C4.

Canada Helps

For donations by credit card, or for monthly automatic donations, we are happy to accept donations through Canada Helps. Please see our donation form here.